स्टीक्स पब

बार और पब
 08025582259, 08041123688
45, केएसएचडीसी कॉम्प्लैक्स, एम.जी रोड, बेंगलुरु - 560001, Karnataka
बिसाइड कावेरी एम्पोरिअम
मैप देखें


Stags Allowed: येस
Parking: नॉट अवैलेबल
Amenities: डी.जे.
Entry: कवर, फ्री
Credit Cards Accepted: मास्टरकार्ड, विजा, विजा इलेक्ट्रॉन
cash, credit card
संपादक की टिप्पणी
Styx Pub: A small square footage flanked by big aquariums full of exotic fish is home to the heavy metal aficionados of the city. Muted lighting, cane furniture and blaring music make it just the place to have a beer, head bang and while away the afternoon.

समीक्षा लिखें

सभी समीक्षाएँ

Great place for the good old beer and rock 'n' roll party. The music's nice and heavy and this is probably the only pub that dares to deviate a bit from the conventional music being played everywhere. The rocking floor (literally rocking) on one end of the pub gets you thinking your high much before you actually are but that's great. One thing that seems a bit conspicuous about this place is the height of the lamps. It's almost impossible to avoid bumping your head on it so what is the management really up to? Are we onto something here? :P
fr those of you who are sick tired of maiden/oasis/metallica being played in other rock pubs and wants something heavier/faster/insaner...Styx is the perfspot for u....\m/
the sole pub in bangalore which plays downright heavy meta playlistsl...i couldn't make the connect between the fish tanks and the type of music being played....nd am scared that one of these days some bloke, amidst the headbanging frenzy might smash his skull into one of the tanks....strike out the weird decor nd everything else about this place rocks!!
loud heavy metal and beer by the pitcherloads! this is my kinda place!
rock and heavy metal... drink and headbang! its right on mg. all orange with a guitar to welcome you...!

संबंधित खोजशब्द

आस-पास के इलाके की गाइड

Frazer Town Gandhi Nagar Vijaya Nagar Infantry Road
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