Parlakhemundi > Gas Agency > Satya Sai Gas Agency

Satya Sai Gas Agency

Gas Agency
45, Kashi Nagar, Parlakhemundi - 761200
Near Lakshmi Hardware Store


type: Commercial, Home
Affiliation: HP Gas


User Reviews

Even people compalint many time on this but HP Gas agency not taking action on this.
When a person is applying for refill booking, even after getting gas he is selling outside as black and not giving to customers. When people try to apply new connections either online or direct taking more than 5 months. He is taking additional charges amount for the connections.
He is supporting corruption. its bad name for HP gas no one will prefer this in future.
VEry stupid gas agency Govt need to remove their licence coz they wont give gas on time delivery. Wont do well process
Stupid and worst gas agency is HP Gas Kashinagar, Gajapathi, Very very worst
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