Bangalore > Movie Theatre > Krishna Theatre

കൃഷ്ണാ ഥിയേറ്റര്‌

Movie Theatre
202, ബസവാണപുരാ മെൻ രോഡ്‌, ദെവസംദ്രാ, കേ.ആര് പുരമ്‌, ബൈംഗലോര്‌ - 560036, Karnataka
ബിസൈഡ്‌ അമാരാ ജ്യോതി പബ്ലിക്‌ സ്കൂല്‌


Credit Cards Accepted: നോ
Reservation Number: ഏന്.ഏ.
Multiplex: നോ
cash, credit card


User Reviews

As a boy born and bought up in Bangalore....I spent most of my child hood spilling all my pocket money in this theatre for my entertainment...And its one of the oldest theatre in Bangalore and Good for its entertainment for very less amount
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