Bangalore > Movie Theatre > Tulsi Digital 2K Cinema

तुलसी डिजिटल 2के सिनेमा

Movie Theatre
434, तुलसी थिएटर रोड, प्रेमश्री इंटरप्राइसेस, मराठा हल्ली, बेंगलुरु - 560037, Karnataka
नियर विनायका थिएटर


Credit Cards Accepted: नो
Reservation Number: एन/ए
Multiplex: नो
cash, credit card


User Reviews

Don't call landline number. it is wrong number
Worst theatar manintance not good Karnataka's worst theater
As on March 23, 2013 ,
4 shows
Pizza movie @Tulasi theater,marthahalli in telugu ! Go 4 it !! nyc thriller,horror movie
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