Chennai > IT Companies > Rifluxyss Softwares Private Limited

रीफ्लुक्ष्य्स्स सॉफ्ट्वेर्स प्राइवेट लिमिटेड

IT Companies
 04422553380, 04422441922
22/75-ए, फाइव फर्लॉंग रोड, मदुवँकराइ, चेन्नई - 600032, Tamil Nadu
नियर श्रीनिवास होटल


Products & Services: सॉफ्टवॅरी डिवेलप्मेंट, औफशोर डिवेलप्मेंट


User Reviews

worst in employee management, work environment, very very worst management people
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