
Bangalore Central

Bellandur ,Bangalore
February 08, 2015 Rating
I had only approached the food bazar curry section and the server is on the other side but almost on top of me with his – sir can I hello sir yes sir can I help you sir – in the most arrogant way possible. I pointed to what I wanted. Two this and one that I said. I speak that way because if I add more words they pretend not to understand English. He points to the counter and I go as I know the routine. As soon as I’m there a huge guy comes, cuts in front of me and plants himself on the counter. I put my water bottle there. The cashier as expected completely ignores me as the server tells him my order and asks the guy next to me who obviously came in after me. I raise my hand because the server is telling him my order and he has to take it no matter how partial he is to me. Then the server repeats the order to me as I said it – two this, one that – mimicking me and showing that if I don’t know the names of the foods or don’t bother to learn them he doesn’t have to either. I shake my head sheepishly to get the ordeal over with. The cashier takes the order and my card to bill me but before that he asks, water? – pointing to the bottle I had placed on the counter. I say, It’s mine. He replies in Hindi, Aapke? while punching whatever he has to into the register, not looking at my face. Now, why would he reply in Hindi when I’m speaking to him in English? And obviously they don’t sell water there and he asked that because he was taking revenge at being thwarted from being partial to me and wanted to get away with it by not making eye contact. He gives me the receipt and I go to the curry counter where the server still hasn’t finished packing my food. Sir, you forgot your card, says the cashier. I take it from him and I can see from the corner of my eye that he’s trying to make eye contact this time so he can look down on me for forgetting the card but I know all this from experience and did not make eye contact at all, just took the card and walked back. As predictable the server still hasn’t finished packing my food and ensures I have to stand there waiting like an idiot for a few more minutes. After he is finally done there is no apology for making me wait or even a thank you for buying stuff from them. He ensures he doesn’t make eye contact while I was myself trying to thank him for the food and in the loud mall my thank you wouldn’t be heard and he knew that. The server who was almost on top of me before I bought the food now acted as though I didn’t exist. As though he was too good to even look at me while giving me my order which he ensured wasted as much time of my life and dehumanized me as much as possible. All this just to get a little food.