
Reliance Trends

Chromepet ,Chennai
June 15, 2015 Rating
I had a very bad experience with the Reliance Trends Chrompet. I will say it is the worst experience i ever had. The employees were rude to the customers. It seems that they were never thought how to behave with customer and how to behave in front of the customers. I had witnessed attitude issue with 4 out of 5 employees i have interacted with. One incident was that one of the employees was smelling a tee shirt which i used it in the trail room and commenting to another co employee . And it all happened in front on me. I tried to raise a complaint with the store manager , but with no luck. The cashier asked me if i need a carry bag for the clothes i purchased and it would cast 7 RS. I asked him what they would give, if i did not want carry bag :) . It is good that they want to reduce the carry bag circulation and usage. But they should provide clothe bag , if they are really socially responsible. Their intention was to make money even out of the carry bags .. All I can say about their customer service is that they can take their employees to the next door Saravan store for a visits so that Reliance will understand what is meant by customer service and how to value customers.. Regards Gobi