Bangalore > Doctor > Dr. Bhat K. S. S

Dr. Bhat K. S. S

736, CMH Road, Indira Nagar, Bangalore - 560038, Karnataka
Opposite Andhra Bank


Not Practicing: No
Specialization: Heart Specialists, Other
Clinic: Heart Lung Clinic
Specialization Other: Cardiologist
Veterinarian: No


User Reviews

Tretment is good but doctor is money minded. always does the unnecessary tests and also charges more. for consulation you have to pay Rs 800/-. he is primarly consulatant manipal hospital but he encourages patients to visit his clinic in indiara nagar. he also recomends for hospitallisation even though if the problem can be cured as OP. i dont recomend this doctor to anybody. there are lot of other good cardialogists available in bangalore. lets ban this doctor.
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