Shettu's Photo


Home Town

Sector 18 ,Noida
July 27, 2012 Rating
To: Hometown Noida and Future Group I've ordered from the Hometown Noida store twice and you guys have delivered the poorest customer service without fail. The furniture never delivers on time and the employees offer ridiculous reasons like "Your locality is not on our route", "We only deliver once a week". Why the HELL am I supposed to hear about your logistics problems and try to understand when I've paid in full against a receipt which has a due delivery date mentioned on it? Do you know how much trouble it causes people when a thing like furniture doesn't deliver on time? My sister-in-law had a baby and she had to put mattresses on the floor because a bed ordered at home town didn't deliver even a month after the due date had passed. The only reason the store is still running is because Future group has the money to place itself in a premium location. Everything else you guys offer is plain and bad No thanks or regards of any sort, Nishant Kyal