Hotel Aspni Inn

Vadapalani ,Chennai
August 27, 2011
We had been to this Hotel las nite and had got ill-treatment, My fren n I went to chill out on the roof-top for the first time. When it was billing time, the waiter had swiped the card twice and my friend immediately got mobile alerts, but when we told him this, he was not ready to accept his folly and said that it's a bank prob or mob prob kinda stuff. It was a very lazy, immature answer i shld say, donno where the hotels get these guys from...i can affirm that these guys are not proper hotel mgt. guys...Moreover, they behaved rudely with us, we shouted at the manager and expressed our greviance, but invain..the manages were turning deaf ears to us....all they had to do..is return back the extra amt charged on the second swipe and settle down this issue to the payment gateway guys...this didn't happen, as we were sorting this out in the reception, we saw another ugly scene in the park area....one of the securtiy guards was trying to valet park some SUV vehicle in th premises and he drove over a bike twice which was a obstruction to the entrance in an attempt to get into the gate. The bike guys..banged the SUV vehicle and damaged the glasses with stones to give tit for tat....it's again a lazy behaviour/drunken driving...it was raining heavily and the securty fellow didn't want to get drrenched in the rain and juss sat in the driver's seat and tried manoevuring the way into the gate...all he had to do ..is get down from the car and move the bike or blow the horn or ask someone to push the bike aside......the hotel guys informed the owner of the SUV...askng him to come..and they were lodging a police complaint....this is kinda of service it renders to the customers...i have seen this in quite some hotels/pubs in Chennai...waiters ill-treating the customers and having a laid back attitude..., they aren't enterprising....even the managers at times take a step back.., they support the hotel staff for their behaviour juss to retain them as they can't get the manpower back again if they fire them....the restaurants/hotels are thinking on a short-term basis...they are not realising that one review on the net will spoil the reputation...of the hotel......this being a budget hotel, no wonder guys behave in a budgetary fashion..i have seen this in some star pubs as well like Bikes n Barrels as well....Juss pity this hotel and the management..We got a chance to speak to the owner of the Hotel..my friend blasted him on the phone..but he simply said..we can lodge a police complaint kinda stuff...a gud manager/owner or i shld say a sensible mgr will repay the extra amt charged then an there and nip it in the bud..now my friend is infact lodgin a police complaint today to sort this out...he is not even worried on the amt spent there...he wants to teach this guys a lesson worth learning so as to avoid ill-treatment or inconvenience to other customers...guiys my sincere suggestion/advise...stay away from this hotel..don't get lured by the term budget hotel...it will eat away your budget as well as these guys do multiple swipes on the cards to get more business and fool the customers. Thanks, Have a rocking weekend! S'kanth n Krishna.