Haroon's Photo



Sector 53 ,Gurgaon
April 30, 2012 Rating
I have a buddy working on this project and am appalled at the things he describes everyday. He's an ascetic, deeply versed in the teachings of Gandhi and can't believe how much Irea work everyday to sell average Indians on the opposite values. They want every Indian using air conditioning. He hears "The more unsustainable the better!", all the time. The disrespect extends to their clients. You can't believe the the short cuts they take in the construction! I wouldn't keep livestock in "The Grand Arch". It's all about selling people that status is important. "Be somebody!", and that's measured by where you live and what you live in. I suppose it's karma that idiots that buy that vision will get ripped off when they put their money into this, but it's unfortunate that enough middle class Indians and Chinese will be sold on this bankrupt vision to make sure all non-human life on the planet dies. Do you watch the IPL cricket? You can see how little they respect people there. "A new way!" Not. Blaring the volume during their adverts is about as old hat as it gets. And EXTREMELY rude. A bunch of planet despoilers shouting at you. "Yeah, dumping my money there sure means 'I've arrived'!". What a load of crap... This isn't a complaint, it's an analysis. Read fast, the sentiment is widespread among Indian builders and this will no doubt come down when they realize that someone has dared question their wonton rape.