Lords And Kings Eye Care And Eye Lounge

Koramangala 6th Block ,Bangalore
July 10, 2012 Rating
overated! everything is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO expensive!! plus that skinny guy tries to SELL u stuff u can do without! he is beyond irritating!!! they just fail to realize that even though they say its a recommendation u are just trying to make money out of us!! and teh collection is not impressive either! and how genuine are the brands he is selling...am doubtful!!!

July 10, 2012
overated! everything is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO expensive!! plus that skinny guy tries to SELL u stuff u can do without! he is beyond irritating!!! they just fail to realize that even though they say its a recommendation u are just trying to make money out of us!! and teh collection is not impressive either! and how genuine are the brands he is selling...am doubtful!!!