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Videocon World

Andheri East ,Mumbai
September 06, 2012 Rating
Terrible service from a great brand like videocon. Bought a washing machine and it was faulty spin tub from day one. Called support bt no help. Really pissed off. Afte r 15 days of struggle got a replacement and now it has problem in wash tub.Pheww what do i do

Richfeel Trichology Centre

Thane West ,Thane
September 06, 2012 Rating
Mumbai is a fast city and unable to cope with the pace I had imbalance in my body and started losing hair fast. My friend asked me to take treatment urgently and reccommended Richfeel. After researching online, I fixed my appointment with Dr at Bandra. An in depth consultatin by Dr was very informative, costs were transparent and scientific approach was reassuring. Within a week the reports showed my problem was thinning. Treatment resumed immediately and within a few months I felt the difference and my hair were close to normal. And until recently when I wanted a transplant Richfeel was my firs choicee. Rsults were spot on this time too. While the price was fair, it seemed really cheap when I look at the results and see value for money. Sammy