
Dr. Chetan Bhatt

Opera House ,Mumbai
October 31, 2012
This guy is the most pathetic doctor I have seen so far. By looking at the tongue and commenting about a person personality is nothing great. I think if you go to a doctor who predicts your personality rather than treating you or answering your call in case of emergency i think hs is in the wrong profession. He just prescribes the same HP Kit to all patients n tells them to continue n visit again n again . My experience is really bad with this Doc , due to his mistake my Medical claim has been rejected. When I had gone to do a gatroscopy his assistant asked few questions about my past medical history in that she incorrectly mentioned that I was suffering from acidity since 3 years wheres as i was facing problems since 2-3 motnhs. I was hospitilized due to hyper acidity n was in the hospiltal for 6 days under his observation. My claim was rejected due to Pre-existing disease. I had taken the policy 2 years back since it was written as I was sufering from acidity since 3 years in the initial consultation by his assistant it was rejected. If u are a women then be extra carefull , sorry to use this kind of language BETA BETA bol ke .....(hope u understand). Still my claim is pending. I havent visited him again after my discharge from the hospital, I would like to inform you that gastric problems can be ovecome by HEALING therapy , it really works. The ALERT CITIZEN who in this forum who has praised about the Dr's Speciality in identifying the personality traits should try this . i am sure he/she would be shocked n impressed. I will definitely not recommend this Doctor such a greedy chap.