Jessie's Photo


February 05, 2013 Rating
it is one of the best girls school in the area. It is run by the FMM sisters of Mary.The school insists on discipline and vast knowledge. the students acquire a very good english knowledge.It has classes from 1 to 12th std. It also offers optional dance, karate , gymnastic classes. they also provide extra-currcular activities . the school consists of guides, scouts, nature club , english literature club, tamil literature club, arts and crafts club, YSM club, social service club, quiz club, yoga club, dance club, home science club,NSS(11 ONLY) AND KIDDIES CLUB FOT 1STD-5TH STD. STUDENTS FROM 6TH STD ONWARDS ARE REQUIRED TO tke part in any one club in each year. there is only one clubs period on thursday..The 12th and 11th std do not have club periods, however they are taken for a 3 days trip to other states. other classes are taken for a one day trip within chenni every year. they also conduct anuual and sports day in alternative years.all the teachers are also women. every wednesday morning yoga is taught compulsorily for every one. only compute.mathsr or bio. maths(physics , chemistry, tamil or hindi or french for second language, english is a must) groups are offered. french is available only for 11th ane 12th std's. there are also value education classes which is a must for everyone. there are four houses helen (red), gandhi house(blue), sarojini house (green), tagore house(violet), P.T classes are a must .school timings 8.30am to 3.30pm. special classes are conducted for 9th std onwards.