
Rishi Alayam

Periyar Nagar ,Chennai
September 02, 2013 Rating
Hi All, I'm really happy with the service provided by Rishiaalayam. Young caretakers do a remarkable job taking care of the inmates. Kudos to them. Cleanliness and hygiene were maintained to the maximum extent possible. The service and care provided by you make me really satisfied and relieved about the health of my Father in law. I could see a visual improvement in both his mental as well as physical health. I'm sure he is with the good hands. This gives us mental peace. Thank you for all your service and timely actions when needed. Special mention: Ms. SriDevi makes sure to respond all our queries and answer all our calls in a timely manner. I'm sure i'll recommend Rishiaalayam not only for the patients suffering from Dementia but also to all the elderly people who need special care and attention. With Thanks and Regards, Bramarika Vinoth