
Pleasure Treasure

Andheri West ,Mumbai
January 20, 2014 Rating
Hey, I am not wanting to slander or tarnish reputation of this shop. I have had a bad exp from here, some 5 years back. I had bought a ps2 from this shop. It worked fine for about a month, and then I got a disc problem.. just 1 month and a disc problem, imagine the quality. I got it fixed from the same shop that charged pretty high. After some 3-5 months, again another problem. It was the 'lens' this time. The shopkeeper kept blaming me for playing on the console for hours, that may have caused the problem. I decided not to fix this. I inquired about a PSP, they charge Rs 100 for an iso game for the PSP, which is available free on the internet. They also charge Rs 600 for installing the hack to play games, again which is free on the internet. If you want to install new games, the old ones will be deleted by them .. and they falsely claim that, if someone copies the games onto the PC, the games will be automatically deleted .. which is a big mystery. I mean, it's not ok to cheat, but cheating in this manner is horrendous.