Aarti's Photo


Dr. Nigam Hair Transplant Clinic

Andheri East ,Mumbai
February 27, 2014 Rating
Hi I am Aarti, I would like to start by talking about Dr Nigam, amazing personality with so much positive approach and very hard working. One of his quality is that he takes care of each and every patient who walks in the clinic. And what I like the best is that he as an amazing sense of approach to every detailing of his work. How I got to know about Dr Nigams GoodHealth Clinic is through advertisement, called them up and actually came for my sister who did arm tuck and parallel to that I took the weight loss program and lost considerable amount of weight without starving. I took the protein diet, where in I never knew that I could have soya chappati which was so new to me. The staff has been always very nice. I would like to sign off, I look forward to keep visiting Dr Nigams clinic for Dr Nigams suggestions for my skin and hair.