Manu's Photo


Kaavya Skin Clinic

Kondapur ,Hyderabad
October 25, 2014
dont go any one to kavvya clinick if u want to waste u r money then it is kaavya. no response form staff and no response form doctors. once you money paid you no once care to you. and it is waste and worst for hair treatment, plz plz dont go any one this is my request because i lose total 42000 thousand amount in kaavya clinic for hair transplantation and stem cells. 1st doctory say treatment will complete some amount and after treatment doctors said you need to pay more money again. mainly and simply iam saying it is waste clinick in kondapur. doctors just want more money thats it. both doctors dont have any commences. and all medicines available in clinic only it is a side business. but doctors talk like 100% get results. but there is only 10% results