Srinivasa's Photo



Mount Road ,Chennai
November 26, 2014 Rating
This book is 534 pages, with 600 colour picture, all book in colour, A-3 size, art paper, hard bound book. This tells all about Modi in 100 pictures it is a Modi Rly book you can call it also and tells all about how Britishers laid railroads in India right from 1844 and tells about Ghats, Gauges, Anglo Indias and how Rlys started from beginning and how big it grew and how it went big and all about the 16 Rlys in full details how the Railways grew up, all about State Rlys, all about Non-Govt Rlys, all about Britishers names and how they laid railroads on economics, how Indian leaders brought economic break down, how Britishers laid railroads also on Military Importance to control India and Indian rulers, all have been spelt out. How money came for railways then under the Britishers and how it can also come today. All Modi is what Lord Dalhousie did in 1844 and both are travelling in the same boat of PPP route and guaranteed interest of 5% for British Investors and many things of importance on economics, politics, geogaphy and many things for Prof, Researchers, Students, Examinations and for those interested to know and acquire knowledge for IAS and other departmental examinations and eye opener for aspiring promotions in their official career. From S Venkatraman,,9444444865, Mylapore, Chennai.

National Book House

Tiruvallikeni ,Chennai
November 26, 2014 Rating
This book is 534 pages, with 600 colour picture, all book in colour, A-3 size, art paper, hard bound book. This tells all about Modi in 100 pictures it is a Modi Rly book you can call it also and tells all about how Britishers laid railroads in India right from 1844 and tells about Ghats, Gauges, Anglo Indias and how Rlys started from beginning and how big it grew and how it went big and all about the 16 Rlys in full details how the Railways grew up, all about State Rlys, all about Non-Govt Rlys, all about Britishers names and how they laid railroads on economics, how Indian leaders brought economic break down, how Britishers laid railroads also on Military Importance to control India and Indian rulers, all have been spelt out. How money came for railways then under the Britishers and how it can also come today. All Modi is what Lord Dalhousie did in 1844 and both are travelling in the same boat of PPP route and guaranteed interest of 5% for British Investors and many things of importance on economics, politics, geogaphy and many things for Prof, Researchers, Students, Examinations and for those interested to know and acquire knowledge for IAS and other departmental examinations and eye opener for aspiring promotions in their official career. From S Venkatraman,,9444444865, Mylapore, Chennai.