Sanjeev's Photo


June 24, 2015 Rating
Recently, I traveled to Thailand with Samaara travels and was highly disappointed by the hotel that they provided us at Bangkok. In the name of a 4 star hotel they made us stay at a low category hotel that didn't even had windows in room for proper ventilation. The room were very small and the hotel was no where near a 4 star hotel. While booking the package, they had shown us very good category 4 star hotels but when we finally booked the package, we were told that all those 4 stars have already been booked and hence, they provided us with a low category 4 star hotel. Also, they had promised us Bangkok city tour but I was surprised when in Bangkok, I had to pay for entry at one of the temples included in the city tour. I really think they need to clarify the customer about everything from the beginning itself