Kalaivani's Photo


Sangeet Sadhana

Koramangala 4th Block ,Bangalore
December 08, 2016 Rating
“If Children are not introduced to music at an early age, I believe something fundamental is actually being taken from them”. – I am glad our kid who is just 4 years old is in Sangeet Sadhana – “School of Music and arts” at the right age. Teachers at Sangeet Sadhana are very good in teaching young children with a good balance of firmness and fun to keep their attention. They have the patience and true love of music. They also teach them about great legends of Hindustani classical music through pictures and videos. Our kid enjoys going to the class and he doesn’t want to miss even a single class. Even we have started learning about Raga’s and legends of Hindustani classical music. We wish to continue for a long run at Sangeet Sadhana to groom him well in Hindustani Classical Music. The recently conducted concert “Udaan” organized by Sangeet Sadhana was a real feast for eyes and ears. The programme was beautifully structured. Kids and the audience thoroughly enjoyed the show. “To fly high with our dreams is not what is outside force but what’s inside that takes you to the top” – It’s the teachers of Sangeet Sadhana operated as the inside force by training the little ones to perform on stage which is not an easy task. Hats off to them. Thank you to the entire team of Sangeet Sadhana. I would strongly recommend Sangeet Sadhana for music lovers who have the thirst to learn Hindustani Classical Music.