Eswari's Photo



Besant Nagar ,Chennai
December 31, 2016 Rating
Hi this is Savithri when I joined in pink besantnagar at 2014October my weight was105kg Doctor suggested me for knee operation I was terrified of that &I was unable to take single step I use to take support for walk after my niece Eswari proper guidelines and motivation I joined at this pink & I reduced my weight with a proper diet and gradual exercise guided by the physio trainers who were there ,I have never used to do floor exercises until shanmugapriya physio trainer comes after her arrival she pushed and motivated me in good toning and am very much satisfied and having a second home friendly relation with her and pink and now my weight is 69kg am able to move to any place without any support and my aim is to reach 65kg &maintain it the second lives of my life was given to me by my niece & trainer(shanmugapriya) at pink who motivated me and proved ,what gym is ..really whoever laughed at me are asking tips to me now so finally as a senior person am advising all to take fitness as a part of your life and bring yourself younger&healthy ....