
Kolors Slimming And Beauty

Srinagar Colony Main Road ,Hyderabad
February 26, 2017 Rating
I had huge belly, when I contacted my doctors he advised me to follow diet plans, but nothing worked. I still started gaining weight. Now after joining Kolors health care, I see myself superb. I almost reduced 50 Kgs in 6 months. I appreciate Kolors for the hard work and dedication!

Kolors Health Care

Karkhana ,Secunderabad
February 26, 2017 Rating
I had huge belly, when I contacted my doctors he advised me to follow diet plans, but nothing worked. I still started gaining weight. Now after joining Kolors health care, I see myself superb. I almost reduced 50 Kgs in 6 months. I appreciate Kolors for the hard work and dedication!