
TLEAD Computer Education

Tharamani ,Chennai
September 13, 2017 Rating
Hi to all my self Meenashi working TCS and i found this Tlead Computer institute near to my Tidel Park at Tharamani.Which is very near to My office and i got training on SAS here on fixable timings only.Actually i was very busy with my project even through i got training here because supporting peoples here. The training was good and the way of talking is good and the way of giving respect also good Even though having office hours in weekdays which sometimes affected my attendance in the weekend classes due to overnight office shift my trainer was flexible with the timings and adjusted my classes accordingly. It was not like if you missed it, . My class timings were adjusted as per my requirements which helped me a lot and I feel this is a good feature of this training which can make many office workers comfortable to take trainings. The knowledge-base was superb and very detailed and it was both industry and academic oriented.Thanks for Tlead team,Swami Sir, Raj also