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Sushumna Yoga

Sushumna Yoga

Assagao ,Goa
September 01, 2009 Rating
"I had a good experience learning from Sonja. She gave us a fundamental overview of Yoga and Pilates to help ensure we understood "neutral spine" and the correct breathing method. Then, she worked us hard, but made the class more interesting by mixing things up a bit with light weights, bands or balls now and again. I think Sonja's knowledge of both Pilates and Yoga gives her an advantage in that she can borrow from both disciplines to bring a good total body/mind workout to her students. I wish her all the best in her endeavors to help strengthen and tone more people in her new studio!" Best, Rebekkah

Sushumna Yoga

Assagao ,Goa
September 01, 2009 Rating
"I have always spent considerable time on working out and maintaining a fitness regimen. However when I began Pilates it was something entirely new and completely different from what I had been doing at the gym. Sonja is an excellent teacher and is able to teach people who have different levels of fitness without making it too tough for beginners yet challenging those ready for more. Pilates has helped me a lot personally, I was able to run the half marathon with no after effects of pains and muscle pulls! The classes really helped me to strengthen and tone my body and what has helped me in all my exercises is the correct breathing technique which makes all the difference. Sonja was constantly improvising so even after doing her classes for over a year I was not bored and always looked forward to the next class. I still practice on my own however I miss her classes a lot. Pilates is a must for a fit body and I would strongly recommend her classes." Anjali

Sushumna Yoga

Assagao ,Goa
September 01, 2009 Rating
"I was a regular at Sonja's classes at a gym London. I organised my weekends so as not to miss her classes. They were fun, challenging, inspiring, enlightening, relaxing and rejuvenating. Discovering yoga through Sonja's great teaching I have a good grounding in yoga both physically and mentally that people comment on today and which I credit to her. She is still talked about at the gym as she is missed and I have found it hard to find other teachers to beat her. I hope to go to the studio Goa at some point." Melx