Biplab Dutta

March 25, 2013
Desun Hospital in Kolkata – Super specialists in fleecing patients !! I couldn't help share this with the masses, not for anything, but to create some awareness among the people in Kolkata so they can stay miles away from this so called “Hospital”. My mother in law, who is suffering from Parkinsons, was having problem in passing stool for three days. The situation became severe on Saturday night and she was in urgent need for an enema. She was rushed to Desun hospital where she was administered an enema to relieve her. However, instead of releasing, the hospital insisted that her heart and kidneys were weak and she should be put in ICU, with ventilators!! (to anybody who might have doubts about my understanding, my mother in law was in Mumbai till last week where she had to be hospitalized post a convulsion. She was kept under observation for three days in an HDU. During this period, when she was far weaker in health, she did not need any oxygen or medication on an SOS basis) When my relatives vehemently objected to putting her on a ventilator, the hospital staff reached a compromise on the ventilator but did not let them go without putting my mother in law in the ICU. She was tied to her bed in the ICU for two days, where visitors were allowed only once for a couple of hours, and was administered saline drip and oxygen. They also ran a series of tests without giving any reasons. Finally, my relatives had to insist on moving her to another hospital at their own risk and forced the hospital to release her. In all, my mother in law stayed in the hospital for forty hours, tied to her bed and was administered an enema, some saline drips and oxygen. For this the hospital charged Rs73,000/- !!! WHY SHOULDN'T THE ADMINISTRATORS OF THIS HOSPTAL BE JAILED AND CANED IN PUBLIC? Mr.Sajal Dutta, founder and promoter of Desun Hospital, if you are reading this post somewhere – I am ashamed to know that YOU studied at my alma mater - Jadavpur University. I am sure all the alumni of IIMC would be equally ashamed to know that you walked around in their campus for two years!! Mr.Dutta, patients in need for treatment are not the carcass you are used to dealing with in your leather business!! They are human; don't play with their lives, their means!! Better stick to leather – it comes from animals that are already dead!!