Coimbatore > Special School > Rashmika Centre For Learning & Councelling

रश्मिका सेंटर फॉर लर्निंग & काउंसिलिंग

Special School
1289, त्रिची रोड, गोपाला पुरम, कोइम्बतोर - 641018, Tamil Nadu
नियर होटल आर्य्स


Speciality: स्कूल फॉर डाइजब्लड चिल्ड्रेन


User Reviews

Kindly note that the above Centre has been shifted to the following address: No.4, ALWIN NAGAR, SUNGAM BY-PASS ROAD, COIMBATORE - 641 045.
Is there any training programs for teachers for handling dislexist children?
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